AmiBroker Custom Charts Course

Save Hundreds of Dollars Writing Your Own Charts

In this course, you will learn how to harness AmiBroker’s powerful custom charting abilities. You will be able to create charts of you own indicators, add indicators to current charts and much more.

  • Save money by creating your own charts instead of paying someone else to do them
  • Save time by learning the essentials

​This course helps you…

  • ​Find better trades by visualizing your own custom indicators​
  • Mark important information by placing text on the chart​
  • Manage trades better by placing symbols on the chart to signify important events
  • Analyze strategies better by creating custom reports

Learn how to create these charts and more!​

And what’s more …

You get access to me to make sure you learn the material.

​​This is my 3rd class I’ve have taken from Cesar’s video courses he offers on AmiBroker. I like the man’s down to earth approach and also, he never seems to, with all his programing experience, teach over the top sort of speak. He’ll admit he’s not perfect with it, and ask the student to use the Help section for reference often.  His classes I’ve taken have always help me greatly. And have no regrets

In my opinion its money well spent and I feel very thankful having to find this man to help me through the complexity of AB/AFL. Anytime Cesar happens to offer any other new classes on AB, I’m in. ​

Chicago, IL
Chart Course

This is no ordinary course

With the download videos, you learn at your own pace. You can rewind to make sure you understand the topic. I show you the tips and tricks I have learned from years of programming charts. Saving you lots of learning time.

  • ​Save time with the plenty of example files given ​
  • Less frustration while learning because Cesar has done the hard work of figuring out how to do it

I wanted more than just someone to show me how to click buttons in AmiBroker and write some simple lines of code. I wanted a person that has the time to teach me and answer my questions, has years of experience in programming, years of real life experience in the market, years of experience in AmiBroker in conjunction with practical application, and skin in the game. Well Cesar has this and more importantly is willing to share this information you! I highly recommend this course to all levels as with somethings in life you just need to start from the beginning regardless how knowledgeable we think we are.​

Glenn C AmiBroker 101 Studdent

Your bonus material

  • ​Got stuck or confused about something in ​the course. You get 30 minutes of Cesar’s time to ask him any questions you may have. This can be over email or Zoom.
  • Bonus video and AFL file of a new PlotText trick that I recently learned

About your instructor, Cesar Alvarez​

Cesar has taught AmiBroker at weekend trading seminars and via both live and recorded sessions online. With his vast AmiBroker experience, Cesar will help you start creating custom charts in no time!​

​Cesar has been programming and backtesting ideas in AmiBroker since 2001. For last 11 years, he has been creating custom charts, custom indicators and backtest reports for his consulting clients.

What’s included in the program

  1. Two hours of video covering AmiBroker charting
  2. ​​Training on the following functions: Plot, PlotOHLC, PlotShapes, PlotText, ParamColor, ParamStyle, Param, GfxRectangle, GfxTextOut, and more!
  3. Twelve AmiBroker files
  4. 30 minutes of Cesar’s time to ask questions

​Sound like a lot?

Yes it is. But I want to make sure you learn how to create your own charts from scratch.

​This course is for you if …

  • ​You want to see your indicators visually ​
  • You want additional visual backtest reports beyond what AmiBroker gives you
  • You are ready to take your AmiBroker knowledge to the next level


  • AmiBroker 6.0 or greater 
  • Daily data source connected to AmiBroker
  • ​Good familiarity with AFL​

Sign Up Now! 

If you have questions about the course that you want to ask, ​Contact Me

Take your AmiBroker programming to the next level

​Get the start of the course for free with no credit card.

​2 hours of professional instruction for $175.

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