AmiBroker Sample Code
AmiBroker code for various statistics and indicators. If you have any ideas of other code snippets to add, send them to me. Use my contact form.
Multiple Strategies Backtest and Optimization Tool
Do you trade multiple strategies? See how you can create equity curves for each of your strategies and then combine them to see how they perform together. Learn more about my Multiple Strategies Backtest and Optimization Tool.
For the ConnorsRSI Guidebook, click here
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// Provided by Cesar Alvarez // ConnorsRSI from paramLenRSI = Param("RSI Closes Length", 3, 2, 100, 1); paramLenUD = Param("RSI UpClose Length", 2, 2, 100, 1); paramLenRank = Param("PerecentRank Length", 100, 10, 200, 1); function ConnorsRSIa(arr, lenRSI, lenUD, lenROC) { upDays = BarsSince(arr <= Ref(arr,-1)); downDays = BarsSince(arr >= Ref(arr,-1)); updownDays = IIf(upDays > 0, upDays, IIf(downDays > 0, -downDays, 0)); crsiT = ( PercentRank(ROC(arr,1), lenROC) + RSIa(updownDays,lenUD) + RSIa(arr, lenRSI))/3; return crsiT; } function ConnorsRSI(lenRSI, lenUD, lenROC) { upDays = BarsSince(C <= Ref(C,-1)); downDays = BarsSince(C >= Ref(C,-1)); updownDays = IIf(upDays > 0, upDays, IIf(downDays > 0, -downDays, 0)); crsiT = ( PercentRank(ROC(C,1), lenROC) + RSIa(updownDays,lenUD) + RSI(lenRSI))/3; return crsiT; } crsi = ConnorsRSI(3,2,100); Plot( ConnorsRSIa(C, paramLenRSI,paramLenUD,paramLenRank) , "ConnorsRSI("+paramLenRSI+","+paramLenUD+","+paramLenRank+")" , ParamColor( "Color", colorBlue ), ParamStyle("Style", styleLine), 0, 100); |
ReverseRSI/RSI Solver
Want to know what closing value a stock needs to close at to reach a certain RSI value? This AFL code will do that for you.. A very handy tool if you like to enter at the close.
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/////////////////// Reverse RSI Calculator //////////////////////// // Determines the closing value of a stock need to reach a particular RSI value function ReverseRSI(nLen, rsiTarget) { gain = Max(C-Ref(C,-1), 0); loss = -Min(C-Ref(C,-1), 0); rsGain = IIf(BarIndex() < nLen-1,Null, IIf(BarIndex()==nLen-1, MA(gain, nLen), gain)); rsLoss = IIf(BarIndex() < nLen-1,Null, IIf(BarIndex()==nLen-1, MA(Loss,nLen), Loss)); rsGain = AMA(rsGain, 1/nLen); rsLoss = AMA(rsLoss, 1/nLen); RSIcalc = IIf(BarIndex()<nLen-1, Null, 100*rsGain/(rsGain+rsLoss)); targetPrice = IIf( (rsiTarget < RSI(nLen)), C-100*(((nLen-1)*rsGain)/rsiTarget)+((nLen-1)*rsGain)+((nLen-1)*rsLoss), C+((rsiTarget/(100-rsiTarget)*((nLen-1)*rsLoss))-((nLen-1)*rsGain)) ); return targetPrice; } Filter = TRUE ; AddColumn(C,"Close"); AddColumn(RSI(2), "RSI2"); AddColumn(ReverseRSI(2, 30),"RSI30-Next Day Price",1.3); AddColumn(ReverseRSI(2, 70),"RSI70-Next Day Price",1.3); |
Historical Volatility
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How to Calculate Historical Volatility in Excel
// Provided by Cesar Alvarez // Historical Volatility lenPeriod = Param("Periods",100,10,1000,1); HV = 100 * StDev(log(C/Ref(C,-1)),lenPeriod) * sqrt(252); Plot(HV, "HV("+lenPeriod+")", ParamColor( "Color", colorRed ), ParamStyle("Style") ); |
Worst 5 Drawdowns
Get a list of the 5 worst drawdowns and the current drawdown in the Back Test Report.
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Min/Max Trade
For the worst and best trade on a percentage basis in the Back Test Report, use the code below. Enter email below to get access.
Yearly Returns
For a breakdown of the yearly returns in the Back Test Report, use the code below. Enter email below to get access.
Enter your details below to get instant access to the code and downloadable AFL file
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// Provided by Cesar Alvarez //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Replace with your code SetOption("MaxOpenPositions",10); SetPositionSize(10,spsPercentOfEquity); Buy = RSI(2) < 1; Sell = RSI(2) > 80; Short = Cover = 0; // End of replace /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Or you can add the following to the end of your current code SetCustomBacktestProc(""); if(Status("action") == actionPortfolio) { bo = GetBacktesterObject(); bo.backtest(); minTrade = maxTrade = 0; for( trade = bo.GetFirstTrade(); trade; trade = bo.GetNextTrade() ) { maxTrade = Max(maxTrade, trade.GetPercentProfit()); minTrade = Min(minTrade, trade.GetPercentProfit()); } for( trade = bo.GetFirstOpenPos(); trade; trade = bo.GetNextOpenPos() ) { maxTrade = Max(maxTrade, trade.GetPercentProfit()); minTrade = Min(minTrade, trade.GetPercentProfit()); } bo.AddCustomMetric("Min % Trade", minTrade); bo.AddCustomMetric("Max % Trade", maxTrade); } |
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// Provided by Cesar Alvarez // this code is for daily bar tests //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Repalce with your code SetOption("MaxOpenPositions",10); SetPositionSize(10,spsPercentOfEquity); Buy = RSI(2) < 5; Sell = RSI(2) > 80; Short = Cover = 0; // End of replace /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Or you can add the following to the end of your current code // will not output anything if there are less than 200 bars in your test SetCustomBacktestProc(""); if(Status("action") == actionPortfolio) { dnStart = Status("rangefromdate"); dnEnd = Status("rangetodate"); yrStart = int(dnStart/10000); yrEnd = int(dnEnd/10000); bo = GetBacktesterObject(); bo.backtest(); ver = Version(); if(BarCount > 200) { dt = DateNum(); if(ver <= 5.4) eq = Foreign("~~~EQUITY", "C"); else eq = bo.EquityArray(); // This could also be done by compressing to Monthly bars eqM = 0; // end of year equity - saving 2001 data in bar 101, 2002 in bar 102, ... for (i = 1; i < BarCount-1; i++) { // are we at the end of a year if (int(dt[i+1]/10000) > int(dt[i]/10000) ) eqM[int(dt[i]/10000)] = eq[i]; } // save the last equity eqM[yrStart-1] = GetOption("InitialEquity"); eqM[yrEnd] = eq[BarCount-1]; // output the results for (i=yrStart; i<= yrEnd; i++) { bo.AddcustomMetric("" + (i + 1900) + " Ret % ", 100*(eqM[i]/eqM[i-1] - 1)); } } } |