August 24, 2016

Cesar’s Ask Me Anything Webinars

To those on my new blog notification list, I sent out the opportunity to join me in a one hour webinar where people could ask me anything about trading. I had a ton of fun answering lots of great questions. See the bottom of the post for links to download the mp3 files of the webinars.

Some questions, I answered are:

  • What types of strategies are you trading?
  • How long a period of underperformance you would tolerate?
  • How do we know that we have a robust system? Walkforward vs Monte Carlo vs SPR vs other?
  • Why do you not manage outside money?
  • Am I mistaken that you don’t prefer trading trend following or momentum based systems/strategies. Can you explain why?
  • How do you come up with the underlying idea for a brand new trading strategy?
  • And many more great questions!


For those of you that emailed me questions, I tried to answer all of them. If I did not answer your questions to your satisfaction, email me and I will try again.

Sorry about speaking so fast in the recording. I get all excited talking about trading.

If after listening to the recordings, you have any questions on my answers email me.

Webinar links:

August 3, 2016, right click here to download



August 10, 2016, right click here to download



August 17, 2016, right click here to download

My trading strategies

Are you interested in some of the strategies I trade that I mention in the webinar? Check out my trading signal service Tranquility Trading.


Good Quant Trading,

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